Rapture Watch! The King is Coming! It May Be Sooner Than You Think! II Tim 3:1-5

2 years ago

#Rapture #ChristReturns #biblestudy
Do you believe your lying eyes? Or do you put your hope in a society that tells you that there is no God? I’m about to tell you why Jesus is about to bust the skies wide open! The Bible is chock full of signs that this is going to happen shortly. While signs in nature, technology, world politics and religion are just a few of the markers, I want to talk about what I think is one most compelling sets of signs, The Signs in people— Jesus talked about how society would become increasingly lawless and immoral as the time approaches for the promise of His return. In fact, He said people would become as evil as they were in the days of Noah. We know that Noah preached to a wicked generation, in those days the people ridiculed him and laughed at his message, and all he wanted was for them to repent and be saved. They were convinced that life would continue on as it always had, and that they could go on living as they had for generations. Does this sound familiar at all? Many apostate churches have given up on Christ’s return.

(Matthew 24:12,37-39).

Paul paints a chilling picture of society in the last days. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, He says it will be characterized by three worldly loves; the love of self, the love of money, and the love of pleasures, or (hedonism). He points out that the payoff for this carnal lifestyle will be nihilism, a society without hope, wallowing in despair. Men’s minds will become depraved (Romans 1:28), and people will call evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). A skeptic will quickly point out that these things have always been true and they would be right. The trouble with that argument is that today, they have become vastly truer and are manifesting themselves among the masses in ways that were never before possible. Have you ever seen Tik Tok? Or a teenage girl with a phone? How many pictures of themselves do they take in a day? And then run them thru every imaginable filter to create imaginary images of themselves that rival movie stars. Peoples love of themselves has helped mold society into a “me first” set of individuals that are of little of no good to anyone else. The first of these loves that Paul mentioned, the love of self has never been so prevalent. Only with today’s technology and the education kids are receiving could this love grow to such unhealthy levels.

The love of money has been with us forever. But in these last days, more people have been able to access it. Think about it. In times past, only a noble class had money to love. In times past, my family and the majority of families were content to have a job, a family and just to be a part of their local community. Today, success in a monetary sense is far more attainable. People watch the Kardashians and covet their lifestyle. Even if they don’t have 2 nickels, they live vicariously through those who do. It is possible to love money even if you don’t have it. And it is the one thing most people want most of all. Many spend that last dollar on a lottery ticket. They’ll take that one chance in a million.

The biggest love of all that has exploded in its prevalence is the love of pleasures. People spend every dime they have seeking pleasure. While this can mean carnal pleasures, it also means all of those pleasures that have taken the place of God, and the time we spend doing the things of God. Video games, sports, TV, Movies, outdoor recreation, vacationing are but a few of the pleasures that people love and have replaced God with. People love their pastimes, and many people love some very wicked pleasures much more than they love God. Did people like pleasures 50 years ago. Of course, but the rapid rise of more and more ways to entertain ourselves could only take place in our technologically advanced days, the last days. A person can’t get bored anymore, unless they just want to be. Of course, I’m not saying it’s bad to be entertained or to enjoy life, but do you enjoy these things more than God? Are they idols? Only in our time, in these closing moments of the church age could these loves manifest themselves in the way they are. Jesus and Paul knew that time and technology would advance in a way that we would be able to see these lusts of the flesh running rampant.

We are seeing these prophecies fulfilled before our eyes today as we watch our society reject its Christian heritage and descend into a hellish pit of lawlessness, immorality, and despair. Even worse, we are exporting our corruption around the world through our immoral and violent movies and television programs.

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