Todd White: Biodynamic Wine, Bartering & Social Media Burnout

3 years ago

What's worth more? A $20 bill or a bottle of wine?

In a pinch, I've realized real world pleasures like wine can be worth more than cold hard cash.

With rising food inflation and obvious issues with our supply chains, it's a good time to make sure you're stocked up on provisions for whatever life throws at you.

Which is why, even if you don't drink or you're not drinking right now, having a supply of high quality biodynamic natural wines can be a worthy alternative investment. (Hey there legal eagles, this is not investment advice.)

When a friend recently turned down payment in the form of money—actually a couple of crisp $20 bills, he just would not take them—but he gladly accepted our bottle of wine.

And that just reinforced the notion that having a diversity of items available to barter and trade could come in mighty handy in the future that we're facing.

So returning to the show today is our very good friend, Todd White.

Todd is a serial entrepreneur, writer, speaker, and founder of our all-time favorite supplier of natural biodynamic and organic wines, Dry Farm Wines.

After 15 years in the wine business, Todd's life is dedicated to educating and helping people make better choices about food, nutrition and how they think about consuming alcohol.

We're getting into some fun and interesting topics on today's show, including:

• How social interaction with friends, family and the community is a nutrient that we all need
• Daily practices like gratitude, meditation and fitness at home
• How to spread love and inspire each other, especially in workplace environments
• Social media and fake news burnout
• Why it's cool to barter with gifts from the land
• And tons more…
Read the show notes:

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