Cat on dinghy Swampscott dory (dinghy)

2 years ago

Cat on dinghy Swampscott dory (dinghy) Complete plans are available as a paperback and eBook search ''Building the 12 Foot Nesting Swampscott Dory Tender: (All the information you need to build this boat)'' on Amazon at this link:
This is the 12 foot nesting Swampscott dory (dinghy) sailing with the OZ racer lug sail by Really Simple Sails from Duckworks Boat Builder's Supply. The spars are made from (qty 3) Harbor Freight aluminum telescoping flagpoles filled with urethane foam (so they float) The spars come apart to store in a 8 foot length. Recommended oars are 7 foot. The boat nests to a 7 ' by 4.5 ' foot print. With a 2 hp motor the boat motors at 5.1 knots. We have made good progress to windward in 25 to 30 knots with oars. We have used it to haul over 750 lbs out to our boat on a mooring, but I would not want to haul that weight in a big chop.
Note: On the Harbor freight flag poles, the third piece has a 2.00" O.D. perfect for use with a 2 inch schedule 40 PVC pipe as a receiving socket. The poles sections have a wall thickness of 0.040" so the mast is sleeved for its entire length, and the boom is sleeved toward the middle. The yard is sleeved only at the middle for disassembly.

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