Podcast episode 10: ENOUGH LIES

3 years ago


Yes, a group of awful people chanted "shame" at me during the Million MAGA March.
No, it was not the Prowd Boyz.
No, it is not a reflection of Trump Supporters or Conservatives as a whole.
No, I'm not transgender.

I've been lied about in many leftist publications using one negative experience to "prove" that Conservatives are all "bigots." Thousands and thousands of people  have believed  their lies.

I've also been lied about by ridiculous right-wing pundits such as Jon Miller and Nick Fuentes (you may know him as Tiny Tim... sad sad little man).

Also,  Bryson Gray the anti-gay-yet-obsessed-with gays rap star loves to lie about me and mock me. Nice guy, right?

People make assumptions about me without bothering to do ANY homework.
They see one photo, one tweet, one article and they think they know the truth.

They don't.

I'd like to publicly thank Brandon Straka for having my back on Twitter. I love you.

In this episode I  take you back to DC with me and tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 
This is my clap back to all the lies spreading across leftist and right-wing media right now.
If you're a journalist, I'd love to get the TRUTH out there. Email me at admin@ladymagausa.com

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