Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Worship Service - June 19, 2022

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Sermon Begins: 42:35

Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

Bible read in one year contact

SUNDAY June 19, 2022

Theme: Jesus taught us that the first would be last and the last first. In the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior, pride is a corrosive deadly disease.

Welcome & Call to Worship
“Great is thy Faithfulness” # 139
“Fairest Lord Jesus” #87
Prayer & Children’s Story
“Humble Thyself” #622
“Train Up A Child” #15 in Hymns & Songs
Offering - “Great is the Lord” #140
Responsive Reading - Father’s Day Reading bulletin insert
Congregational Prayer
Hearing God’s Word
“The Power of Humility”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“Here I Am Lord” #589
Benediction and Postlude

"The Power of Humility"
50th in our series the Book of 1 Peter

I. The Original, Original Sin - Isaiah 14:11-15
A. Lucifer was the most exalted of the angels
1. But he became puffed up with pride
2. He determined to be equal to or greater than God
B. God casts him down and judges him eternally in hell

II. The Antidote to Pride - 1 Peter 5:5
A. The submission to Elders
1. Recognizing the wisdom of those whose age and knowledge of God are to be respected - Job 32:6-7
2. Our culture reverses this, thinking the young have all the wisdom and knowledge that is needed
B. Submission to one another in Christ
1. As Christ loved us we are to love one another, for such love is from God - 1 John 4:7-8
2. We show submission by looking out for the best interests of one another - Philippians 2:1-4
C. The link between submission and humility - 1 Peter 5:5-7
1. Humility is to so characterize the disciple that it is described as the clothing we wear
2. God is opposed to the proud;
a. They may prosper but just for a short moment
b. Psalm 37:1-2, 9-10, 12-15
3. Humbling ourselves before God
a. Seeing ourselves from God’s perspective is to see ourselves as we actually are
b. Christ’s example of humility - Philippians 2:5-11
4. Our worries about the cares of this life is often a source of pride in our hearts
5. Eradicating pride is the goal of true disciples

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