The truth even when it hurts

2 years ago

In this video I Stephen Bell explain to you, how my previous sex life, is constantly being conflated with all of the programs propaganda and PSYOP accusations of sex crimes, which I’m constantly being labelled guilty for publicly, by a conglomerate of states and intelligence agencies, as a means of justifying the social and political persecution of me, in the global social engineering and intelligence program, a.k.a the program, in this video I explain how my life seriously started to spiral out of control in 2008 leading up to the inception of the program and well into the programs existence in 2011, in this period of time my life got completely destroyed, not only did I engage in all kinds of self-sabotaging behaviors especially relating to sex and drugs, but perhaps even more so, because of the fact, that I was targeted by the intelligence agencies and states, who run the program as we know today, because they wanted to use me Stephen Bell personally, as the so-called protagonist, in the programs propaganda campaigns that are still being perpetuated here in June 2022, and this will most definitely continue for the foreseeable future, so I have without a shadow of a doubt been subjected to all kinds of external influences in my life, which can be classified as classic mind control technologies and active measures, constantly setting me up to be compromised, so that these intelligence agencies as we have been seeing for years, can use my self-sabotaging behaviors, as a means of discrediting me, and even conflating my personal sex life with the false and fabricated claims and accusations, that they constantly propagandized all over the world as a means of justifying the programs existence with, not to mention the social and political persecution of me, which is always intensifying for each day that those passed, as can be seen now where I am literally the world pariah, and for what exactly?

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