10/27/20 Tue: Dem / Fem / PoC Posers

4 years ago

The Hake Report, Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Virus shutdowns in El Paso, Juarez, etc.
Philly riot… BLM (and maybe antifa) out-of-control. Dem mayor!
ACB on SCOTUS: Election, ACA, Apportionment (3/5 compromise?), Mueller Report
More “civil unrest” expected with election: DHS, ICE, CBP…
Kamala's insecure and immature. Man so many posers! (JLP vs Michaela, vs. NFAC, vs. these college educated black intellectuals)
Handmaid’s Tale protestors remind me of Women’s March, SMH.
ALSO: I think I was right about Kayleigh McEnany…
FUNNY: (TMZ) Dude told black man: 'This is a No-N***** Zone,' arrested & fired
Also check out Hake News from today.

Mike from Kentucky mentions election corruption, and has a rooster and a dog.
Kenny from Idaho — thank you!
Louie from Idaho — great call, thank you!
Art from Ohio says he wants James to help him name his new cow.
Joe from Phoenix, AZ finally agrees about disproportionate crime stats, and that the Philly guy seemed out of his mind.
Zack from Oregon says his grandmother was a cop.
DarksideoftheBear from SD talks about the bad BLM culture

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/10/27/102720-tue-dem-fem-poc-posers

0:00 Stream start
4:09 Soooo….
7:09 Philly riot
21:52 Handmaid’s Tale weirdos
27:38 ACB SCOTUS cases
35:56 Mike in KY
41:22 Kenny in ID
46:03 Kamala Harris, cringe
53:57 DHS prep for election riots
56:52 Louie in ID
1:01:20 Break!
1:06:03 Can Macron protect France?
1:11:04 Art in Ohio
1:17:58 Female protestors
1:20:41 Posers!
1:25:14 Laos
1:29:40 Kayleigh McEnany
1:36:00 Joe in Phoenix, AZ
1:45:29 Zack in OR
1:54:21 Darkside of the Bear
1:57:39 No N-word Zone
2:01:34 Thanks, all!

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church with for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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