Porn: Psychic insight (dark side of porn industry)

3 years ago

Porn is not inherently bad, but the industry has created a very dark energetic influence to it. The dark side of porn is one of the most over looked and most harmful parts of our society in my opinion. The energetics effects are horrible, although healthy porn is totally feasible and does to some degree exist out there.
Sexuality is easy for energetic beings (entities) to hijack because we become almost out of control of ourselves which gives them the perfect opportunity to slip into our energy field. This happens all the time just from people not having their ownership of their space, but human sexuality is one of our weak spots. It has become a dark corner filled with vile that should not be there. We have become brainwashed to the normalization of it's corruption of the human spirit.
The media is also one of our weak spots as a species on earth. You could say there is a conspiracy of energetic beings attacking humanity, but we only find it so strange because we are used to being at the top of the food chain. We actually are though... We just have to have our ownership of our energy and be conscious to the reality of these tainted energies. Our society has been influenced by our own corruption as well as the corruption of other entities that have made it harder for us to connect with higher beings or even communicate with each other. There are energetic beings that have made our world more dense and harder for spirit to be anything more than a subtle thing just out of reach to us. These beings really came in around half way through the Sumerian civilization (right before Babylon) and at the earliest stages of Egypt before what we know of as "Ancient Egypt". The energy of the planet has become more dense as a result of the karma built up over time from their influence on our minds and energy fields. You can see the effects slowly start to build up taking effect on art as it became more focused on sculptures of the human body such as Michelangelo's time period. This is not a bad thing, in fact it is a great human expression of art that should be celebrated, but it is an example of how art adapted to the circumstances of being more focused on the physical. There were enlightened beings who have come and taught us the energy of forgiveness which was something lacking at the time to help us burn through the accumulated karma that was making it almost impossible to grow spiritually or even to exist without complete self destruction. Some tools to help against these negative beings is to use gold energy which is the vibration of forgiveness. You can simply imagine it as a big sun above your head filling you in. That is all you need to do to have a real effect on your aura. Being aware of the magic of the world and seeing the miracle in everything is the best tool to reclaim your power.

All in all: Porn can be healing, but it is a tool that has been hijacked and weaponized to destroy the human spirit. There are efforts to change this, but even those efforts I believe have been corrupted in the process of trying to be the good guys... Maybe not all but hey - No one is perfect! Not even me. I am no perfect angel.

Note: The picture of a cop eating a muffin representing excess food for the entities does not mean that eating a lot should be avoided. In fact when you are expanding you consciousness sometimes it requires you to increase your food intake in order to build new neural pathways and heal the body.

In regards to the snake-being entities that came to earth to cause chaos for humans during the Sumerian civilization, this is a great documentary about the rise and fall of Sumerian civilization:

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