I Took A Long Look! -Save The World!

2 years ago

I Took A Long Look!
I took a long look at the actions of mankind and
Asked as I noted great suffering,

Where is compassion,
Where is empathy,
Do we feel the anguish of others--
Or are we too caught up in our gain
To fully grasp the depth of their pain?
God help us when we turn and look the other way;
Too wrapped up in what is happening in our day!

Don’t we see, nor hear,
Are hearts made of stone,
Are our ears silent to their requests--
Or do we only see, only hear
That which we determine to be dear?
God help us when we hear not their loudest of cries;
Nor perceive the depth of agony in their eyes!

Alas! Souls care not.
Tears fall, my heart bleeds.
I do not understand, nor accept--
Far too many able turn away,
Won’t suffering of others allay.
God help us when we’re no longer willing to care;
Nor feel their all-encompassing realm of despair!

I took a long look at the actions of mankind and
Dropped then my weary head in shame!

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