"Do I love him?" - 25 Signs You're Falling In Love With Him

3 years ago

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"Do I Love Him?" 25 Signs You're In Love (And not just infatuated)
By: Carlos Cavallo

Sometimes it’s easy to doubt your feelings. When it comes to your love relationship, you might be wondering: "Do I love him?"

Is He The One?

Sometimes it happens right at the very start. You meet a guy and you just click. And you think right away, I'm falling in love.

Other times, you might meet a guy and think he's just friends. But then something happens that turns that on its head. And you might find yourself questioning the relationship. Could you be in love with him?

You may even be in a relationship right now, and struggling to keep it together. You might even be wondering if it's all worth it.

Do you love him?

Let’s find out...

If you're the kind of person that believes in Destiny or fate, you may think that this is out of your hands. That you might be falling in love whether or not you want to. And there's some truth to that.

Attraction isn't really a choice when it comes right down to it. We don't get to choose the people we feel attracted to.

Sometimes it's their looks
Sometimes it's their attitude
Sometimes it's their lifestyle
Sometimes it's their fun personality
If you've ever tried to choose someone to fall in love with, chances are you've been pretty disappointed with the results. Your thinking brain just can't choose as well as your heart can when it comes to passionate Romance and love.

Of course the big reason you want to know “do I love him or not?” is because you don't want to fall in love with someone that's wrong for you. Or that doesn't love you back.

We want to jump into the best romance possible.
When I was a younger man, I fell in love way too easily. Which led to a lot of heartbreak. I fell in love with women that were wrong for me - or that I was wrong for.

But I wouldn't go back and change anything. That's where I got all of my understanding and experience from. And that's what brought me to the point where I became the dating and relationship advice Guru.

Still, I'm sure you don't want to go through all those Growing Pains. Which is why I'm here.

Are there signs that you can see that will tell you if he's the one you love? As it happens, yes.

Love Sign #1: He gives you steam
One of the best signs that you are in love with him is your energy level. When you are feeling that love, you feel energy welling up from seemingly nowhere. And EVERYWHERE at the same time!

It's like the world's best energy drink.

There's some science to this, of course. One of the primary love chemicals that we feel when we're in love is adrenaline. Which, as you know, can really give you a jolt of energy when you need it.

This is why love is so exciting - the new emotional connection AND the feeling of "aliveness" you have when you're falling in love.

Love Sign #2: He makes you feel alive
Another of the great effects of love is this incredible feeling of just being alive. You feel more in touch with your senses and the world around you. It's like everything is dialed up to 11.

Foods taste better
Colors seem brighter
Connections seem stronger
You'll even feel the impact of your love for him in all of your relationships. You may find yourself more forgiving and tolerant of your family. You might find yourself reaching out to old friends you haven't talked to in awhile.

Life just seems so much more vivid when you're in love. It's a great place to be, and you want to live your life from here all the time.

The feeling of being immersed in the present moment is amazing, and one of the reasons you feel so alive when you start a new relationship.

Love Sign #3: He steadies the boat
Another great effect of a love relationship is revealed when you surrender to your relationship.

When a woman falls in love with a man, she gives in to his strength in many ways. And one way that's important is you feel so much more steady with him. Your emotions feel calmer and more easy to deal with with him around.

You feel like you can cope with things so much better, and even petty annoyances and grievances just don't impact you quite the same way when you’re in love with him.

Your emotional cycles won't feel so crazy, either.

Love Sign #4: You feel LEGIT trust
One of the biggest signs that you're probably looking for is Trust.

When you wonder if you love him, you should ...

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlosdatingguru
Do I Love Him

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