Dan Lok is Copying Content Again...

3 years ago

Dan Lok was exposed by Coffeezilla a few weeks back as copying content from a businessman named Alex Charfen. After a little digging, I realized Dan Lok was copying content and plagiarizing from another source.

Data is Beautiful makes awesome visual moving bar graphs and have been doing this form of content for awhile. Dan wanted to hop on the trend and make these videos on his own without any mention of the originator of the idea. That's basically plagiarism.

Dan Lok has made a few recent videos of this type of content where he creates quick videos detailing the top 10 wealthiest people or top 10 wealthiest families of a certain time period. This is straight plagiarism from other people who create this exact type of content.

Additionally, I show how Dan Lok copied Kevin David's video on Social Media Marketing for beginners because Kevin David released his video before Dan. But this is how these gurus play the YouTube algorithm game. Find out what titles and thumbnails work and then copy those.

I also show a few other examples of Dan Lok making videos with the exact same title as other creators just to catch views.

What I want you to take away from this video is that most people on YouTube are content creators first. We make content and hope people click and watch. I’m playing the same game as Dan. What content can I make to get people to watch. Let’s be real, that’s the point of YouTube. What content can I make to get people to watch. Where it becomes a problem is when content is stolen, copied, or is misleading viewers.

---------- SOCIAL MEDIA ----------
★ Instagram ★

★ Facebook ★

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---------- POPULAR VIDEOS ----------

★ Authentic or Charlatan: Dan Lok | Exposing Internet Marketers ★

★ Authentic or Charlatan: Robert Kiyosaki | Exposing Internet Marketers ★

★ Authentic or Charlatan: Dan Lok Pt. 2 | Exposing Internet Marketers ★

★ Authentic or Charlatan: Tai Lopez | Exposing Internet Marketers ★

★ Authetic or Charlatan: Graham Stephan | Real Estate Investing & Personal Finance Guru★

★ Authetic or Charlatan: Dan Pena | The $50 Billion Dollar Man ★

---------- MY BOOK LIST ----------

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