BANK RUNS IN CHINA! - Protests BANNED Due To Health Pass! - Global Economic COLLAPSE!

2 years ago

Jun 18, 2022: Josh Sigurdson talks with Tim Picciott, The Liberty Advisor about the collapse of the global economy as China sees a large number of bank runs as their health pass bans them from protesting their inability to get their money out of the bank and feed their family. As one would predict, with social credit and large amounts of inflation, China's monetary system is largely based around banking apps that can be shut down at any moment. Recently when apps shut people out of their bank accounts, it lead to large numbers of people lined up outside the banks trying to get their money out causing the largest bank run in recent Asian history. Those who wished to protest could not. The country conveniently made the health color red so that it was illegal to gather in crowds.

This will all come to a place near you soon as the global economy collapses and technocratic social credit systems based on the cashless society take over in the Great Reset.

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