Sahuarita Tea Party Breaking News full episode 2020 10 30 16 53 11

3 years ago

We open with some personal news and our comments, having the opportunity to see President Trump in Tucson in person, at the rally a week ago Monday, then we have an electoral college analysis by Kevin McCullough, and finally we discuss the "doomsday scenario" going around about election day and the VBM or vote by mail Dem scam that some have fallen for...we present an analysis of same by Larry Schweikart, who dispels the Dem plan as known by all and the Rs and their lawyers are on top of it, winning 10 of 11 cases...the counting til Dec. 13 will not happen...sorry!
Note: the first half of the livestream may not have been live, but we recorded the entire show so this is the complete version!

Thank you to Kevin McCollough, and Larry Schweikart!

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