011 | Cancelled for Gender Critical Beliefs | James Esses

2 years ago

James Esses is a former criminal barrister who also volunteered for 5 years at childline before deciding to undertake a masters in Psychotherapy and founder of Thoughtful Therapists - shortly after being given permission during to start his own clinic he was dismissed from the course without notice for gender critical beliefs which became prominent due to a petition looking to safeguard explorative therapies for children as they related to gender dysphoria. After being dismissed from the course he was subsequently let go from child line as well.
The focus of this episode is on childhood transitioning & gender ideology being forced on *children* I think it's worth emphasising that point. Children being transitioned medically or otherwise is what has been taken issue with here. What an adult does or doesn't do is up to them risks, rewards, warts an' all!
As always relevant articles are linked at the bottom of the description however, If you want to support James in his battle against the university due to the unfair dismissal - this case isn't just about James - it is also about protecting free speech and prevent people from being punished for freedom of speech, thought and expression and as James puts it - especially when the goal is to protect children. https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/expelled-university-free-speech/
(also linked below)
01:20 Intro
03:18 What was it that got you barred from the Masters in psychotherapy?
04:40 What was the general idea behind the petition?
05:40 Internationally, therapists are scared to work with those suffering from gender dysphoria
07:26 Are there more affirming therapists due to the current social/political climate surrounding gender identity?
09:14 What is the job of a Psychotherapist then?
14:04 What happens to young people who aren't medically transitioned? What does the evidence say?
15:48 Long term effects of puberty blockers?
18:26 Transitioning still has high suicide rates for adults & children
20:04 Are we exploring all options prior to transitioning for children? Is it appropriate?
22:52 Experimentation of John Money
25:22 Are we regressing to stereotypes?
28:28 Impacts of detransitioning?
34:26 Social pressure for people to transition
39:50 Power of language
41:50 What is Gender Identity
44:45 Power of pronouns
46:15 How can we truly support & help people with gender dysphoria?
54:30 What can people expect if they speak out?

Thoughtful Therapists

James' crowd justice page if you wish to donate & help towards the legal case

Queen speech

Medical transitioning doesn't seem to improve mental health outcomes - correction of an earlier published paper in the American Journal of Psychiatry

Puberty blockers do not seem to provide significant psychological benefit

Co morbidities in those with Gender Dysphoria

Long term follow up of those who underwent gender reassignment
Small video on the case of David Reimer (the John Money experiment)

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Follow James on Twitter https://twitter.com/JamesEsses

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