I had a dream of San Benedetto in Serie A but only the stadium come real at the end

2 years ago

I was back home to visit my Mum and the shower doors broken so I spent all day searching for a replacement going around San Benedetto Del Tronto like a mad man, I arrived to this shop Around the football stadium but they had nothing, between the stadium and the shop there are some farms that I thought to walk trough and going back home from the other side maybe heading to the beach but walking by the side of the structure at first a deja’ vu then the realisation that wasn’t one but what I was seeing I dreamed it before, in front of me a side entry of the Stadium where I had a gate and could see through to the seats and a corridor to walk all the way to the end and reach the upper seats, all of that I had in a dream few months earlier with the only difference that there was a lot of people watching a match but all the rest of the details where there, surprised …. How you wouldn’t be but not shocked cause wasn’t the first time.

I know the title is deceiving but I did it in purpose so to attract attention from people that living a 3D reality are more interested in 22 kids in shorts kicking a ball than to understand an illusion called reality where dreams that we think are visions during sleep might be more than that, is even true that we are made to see it in that way from groups of people that in purpose want us to redirect our attention to meaningless activities and achievements, maybe life on Earth must be like this for us or me to learn I don’t know but a dream becoming real is enough to can’t bother any longer with materialistic pointless life goals, I would end saying if you need to focus to goals make sure you are questioning if the ball is real or just an illusion that seems real.

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