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Klaus Shwab is at it again

2 years ago

Implantable chips in your brain the wef leader klaus shwab is at it again. Just a baseless conspiracy right?


  • 0/2000
  • Attack the ELITE. START AT THE TOP

  • The AI servant that meets all your needs, so that people are unnecessary even for physical labor keeps coming up, too. I am convinced these people overestimate their abilities.

  • I bow to God only..and ask God for the vrace to stay faithful until death as i fear losing ny faith in whats coming and losing my soul to eternal damnation... Revelation Chapter 13 & 14 , those who take the mark of the beast, are damning themselves to helk for eternity. wake up world, your soul is at stake..unfoetunately many put their trust in man instead of God which will lead to damnarion..Hell isnt a party down there...its burning on and on for eternity while satan and his minions torture you...use your God given free will wisely because once one gets to Hell...its to late..and you will see its true

  • Klaus shwab will you have your brain done you can lead by example

  • two comments. This would be a dream come true, the only problem is the people in control are evil and this is being created to be used against you, not make your life better. Second, what happens when your "butler" figures out its smarter, stronger, and better than you? you think its going to keep serving your every desire?

  • I can count on all these sick, twisted, cowards will be brought to justice, meaning the rope. Count on it.

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