18 Sivan 5782 June 17 2022

2 years ago

18 SIVAN 5782
JUNE 17 2022

Declare With Me, "I Declare Holy Spirit Gives Me Wisdom And Understanding To Find The Root Causes Of Problems And Brings Deliverance! I Declare That I Am Being Delivered From All Deception And All Generational Curses. I Choose To Esteem My Birthright In Christ! I Will Not Despise The Things Of The Lord, My God!”

Genesis 25: 29 One day Jacob was cooking stew when Esau arrived home exhausted from the hunt.
30 Esau: “Boy, am I starved! Give me a bite of that red stuff there!” (From this came his nickname “Edom,” which means “Red Stuff.”)
31 Jacob: “All right, trade me your birthright for it!”
32 Esau: “When a man is dying of starvation, what good is his birthright?”
33 Jacob: “Well then, vow to God that it is mine!”
And Esau vowed, thereby selling all his eldest-son rights to his younger brother. 34 Then Jacob gave Esau bread, peas, and stew; so he ate and drank and went on about his business, indifferent to the loss of the rights he had thrown away.

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