2 years ago

Psalm 1:3 King James Version
3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

BY MAKING GOOD AND GODLY CHOICES!!! GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA EVERYONE!!! What a truly awesome day Ricky and I had today! For those that aren't aware, 22 years ago today, I said “I do” to the most wonderful person that God ever put in my life, and his name is Ricky Saddler! We spent today

Let me ask you this question my friends, and I pray that it encourages you to know that you cannot only answer it honestly, but count on the One you can trust in.

What do you know about God that stirs your trust in Him?

What I know about him? I know He's dependable, faithful, trustworthy, and that when I cry out to Him, He listens, and answers!

As I was reading this morning's passage of scripture, I was immediately reminded of Psalm 1, and how important it is to be grounded, to be centered, to be completely focused on Christ Jesus, and not in ourselves, because when we try to center ourselves in ourselves, we're like a hamster running in the wheel. What I'd like to do right now, is share some things that God has put on my heart through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I say well really speak to your heart. Come join me in this vlog, and learn how to keep yourself firmly planted in Christ! 😊

So, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with this final question from this morning's devotional, and I pray that you will not be afraid to act on it.

How will you plant your trust deeper in His steadying soil?

For me, I want to plant myself deeper in God steadying soil, by reading His Word, spending time with Him in prayer, and seeking Him for every decision I make, and in everything I do.

I also pray that you will choose to make good, godly choices, based on God’s Word, and live the principles of God’s Word out in your daily life. That you will look to God and not to humans in the decisions that you make, so that your decisions are sound, as well as blessed. Choose to plant yourself deeper in God studying His Word, knowing you can go to Him for any situation, and will help you through it all! After all as Patricia Raybon stated so well, “The trusting stay planted in God—the One who walks with us through the joys and adversities of life.” In short, be sure to MAKE GOOD GODLY CHOICES! 😊



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