The Disaster That Is the Bipartisan Gun Control Framework

2 years ago

A bipartisan group of Senators have reached a framework agreement on guns.

The framework proposes to:

Every Republican who supports this framework should be primaried.

It’s a disaster for five main reasons:

How are we going to pay for it? Crickets. If these proposals are such a priority to these Senators then surely they can find areas in our $6 trillion dollar budget to cut to pay for it.

Why is this a federal responsibility? States already fund “mental health,” “school safety,” and “red flag laws” so if they want to increase funding then that’s their prerogative. Our federal government is incompetent at its current responsibilities so it doesn’t need to take on more.

Next, any increase in safety should be commensurate to an equal or greater increase in liberty. Where are the measures that would strengthen the 2nd Amendment such as by abolishing gun taxes? And if you’re going to use an 18 year old’s juvenile record against them then where is the law that would expunge it when they’re 21 years old?

And then what percentage of the money that goes to "mental health" and "school safety" is effectively going to Democrats who advocate for gender theory and gun control? According to FEC data, 90% of mental health professionals are Democrats and the U.S. already spends more than virtually any country on Earth in education so why not take some of the money that goes to “administrators” and put it toward security, or just build a human wall of administrators in front of every school to at least make them useful.

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