Blue Sky and Switchbacks on the Burnside Double Loop

3 years ago

#hiking #mentalhealth #australia

“the opposite of happiness is hopelessness,
an endless gray horizon of resignation and indifference.
It’s the belief that everything is fucked, so why do anything at all?”
― Mark Manson, Everything Is F*cked

Burnside Double Loop Track Details:

• Short 20 minute drive southeast of Adelaide CBD.
• Trail Head in a small park right next to the base of the freeway
• Off-road car park.
• Track varies quite significantly, ranging from the wide gravel fire tracks found through the Adelaide hills to tight steep rocky switchback trails.

5.25km (round trip)
Elevation: 167m - 328m
Incline: MAX: 51.3% AVG: 12.1%
Glen Osmond, South Australia.
Map Link:

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Map Sequence Satellite Data
© Copyright 2020 Microsoft Corporation / © 2020 Maxar / © CNES (2020) Distribution Airbus DS

1. Pick Up On This - The Mini Vandals
2. Ready-Set-Go! - Magic In The Other
3. Jack's Garage - Midnight North
4. Nomads - The Mini Vandals
5. Sip Racer - Freedom Trail Studio
6. Stars Align - The 126ers
7. Now I Know - TrackTribe
8. Level Up - Quincas Moreira
9. Late Night Train - Vans in Japan
10. Everything You Wanted - Dan Lebowitz
11. Aviation - TrackTribe
12. Upsetter - The Mini Vandals
13. Traveller - The 126ers
14. Reverie - Quincas Moreira
15. Lonely Troutman - William Rosati

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