DefendLIFE First Amendment Friday - June 10, 2022 - Pentecost Friday

2 years ago

SAFA First Amendment Friday -

HONKforLIfe & PrayingForLife - First Amendment Friday on the Sidewalk with SAFA - Date - SAFA protects, defends & promotes life in the public square daily and in front of "Planned Parenthood South Texas" every Friday from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. Come join us and meet some of SAPD's finest officers.

New SACFL Sidewalk Counselor, Leah runs to give gift bag to abortion-minded young woman who was picked up after having been in #ppSouthTexas.

City Government favoritism of @PlannedParenthoodSouthTexas continues.

Planned Parenthood South Texas at 2140 Babcock remained open for abortion during COVID19 pandemic even though all elective surgeries were banned by Governor Greg Abbott for a time.

Planned Parenthood South Texas at 2140 Babcock is constructing a new cinderblock & corrugated metal wall despite an ordinance by the City of San Antonio that forbids such structures.

Planned Parenthood South Texas at 2140 Babcock hires Hispanics to build their cinderblock & metal corrugated wall but does not support a border wall for the USA nor the Texas State SB4 Law.

ppSouthTexas extremely loud construction noise drowned out the SAFA amplifiers being used by SAFA Volunteers to pray the Gospel/Rosary but SAPD stops the prayer, badgers, collects personal info & files incident reports on each volunteer as having violated the City Noise Ordinance.

71% of the babies killed at Planned Parenthood South Texas at 2140 Babcock are Hispanic.

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