Attacks on Pregnancy Centers On the Rise, Will it Get Worse?

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

The Wrath of Ruth and Jane... Pregnancy Clinics being attacked across the country. Randy Bollig of Loretto House joins us.
Randy Bollig – Loretto House
What happened to your clinic?
The far left is threatening even more violence... are you concerned?
How do you help women who are in crisis pregnancies?
How will what’s happening change what and how you help these families?

Church’s head of divine worship says Vatican II promoted a ‘new liturgy’ so Latin Mass must be regulated... #FakeNews
Bishop Robert J. McManus issued a decree saying that a school in Worcester, Massachusetts, can no longer bear the name Catholic because of its refusal to take down a Black Lives Matter flag and an LGBTQ pride flag.
President Joe Biden and his staff are considering declaring a public health emergency if Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court, according to a new report.
Abbott baby formula plant shuts down again due to flooding

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