Crrow777 | Sky Clock Deception, Nuclear Fiction, and Belief; The Enemy of Knowledge

2 years ago

Crrow777, Astronomer, Researcher and Independent Thinker, joins me to discuss his work studying the night's sky, We started talking about his Lunar Wave research, Nuclear weapons as imaginary mass mental manipulation device, and Why Crrow thinks we're all up shits creek without a paddle; that its only a matter of time before big brother bends us collectively over backwards, royally mounts each of our respective black holes and shoots a load of high impact five "G" brain frying waves right into your main frame. Crrow was kind enough to set me straight and gave me his god's honest truth with no frills. We discussed the living nature of our mother earth, and our sun.

My Family Thinks I'm Crazy
Episode 177
June 17, 2022

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