S1E54 Help!!! I Just Bought A Homestead, What Do I Do First?

3 years ago

One of the most common questions I am seeing in the Facebook groups and, homesteading forums goes like this. "Help. I just closed on my new homestead. Where do I start?" Now. Let me first start by saying this. It is natural and normal to feel a bit overwhelmed at this point. You've had these dreams of having a homestead and these dreams are starting to become realized, and reality sets in. And quite frankly, I don't think it matters whether or not you're brand new to homesteading or you're an experienced homesteader, relocating to another piece of property, starting a homestead from scratch can be overwhelming.

My first piece of advice is simply this. Take a deep breath. Homesteading is a marathon. It is not a sprint. And the temptation is going to be there. To try to do too much. You want to raise all the things you want to grow, all the things you want to do, all the things. But take a deep breath. Physically and figuratively, but take a deep breath. Do not try to do too much.

But, after that, every homestead journey is going to look different. There is no cookie cutter 5 steps to starting a homestead plan.

So, on this episode we talk about some of the reasons why there is no such thing but also some of the things that maybe every homesteader should think about when getting started.


We are a small family farmstead in upstate NY. We raise American Guinea Hogs, meat "mutt" rabbits and a variety of heritage chickens. We also have started raising Cornish Cross broilers.

We have a large garden comprised f raised beds and do a lot of canning and freezing of vegetables. We also do some fermentation as a means of food preservation and introducing natural probiotics into our diet. This YouTube channel is dedicated to our journey towards a more sustainable, healthy and wholesome lifestyle. Who knows what we might try next??!!!!!

Visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/3BFarmNY/

music by audionautix.com

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