Dumpster Fire Nation End Game

2 years ago

Dumpster Fire Nation End Game

I watched a bit of the January 6th Kangaroo court, but not that much more. These are the same cretins that impeached a sitting President with Schiff’s never present lead pipe cinch witness that will destroy Trump with his proof. Schiff is a clueless idiot and dumb as a sack of rocks. He acted the same way in the second impeachment, which was so off the rails illegal that Justice Roberts didn’t even preside over it. Now we have the January 6th investigative commission created by the moron (Nancy Pelosi) who told Trump where he could put the extra security he was offering for January 6th. The left clearly had other plans, the razor wire, armed guards and this commission prove it. This is January 6th investigation is nothing more than a fading echo of a hapless drunk in a back alley crying out for attention. Once again it is a bunch of irrelevant BS being glued together to fit a narrative that is feeble beyond belief.

To the media and the leftists who you’ve have been the mouthpiece and bully pulpit for, this is going to sink all of you. The media lied non stop about everything I started out with in this writing. Be gone! I do not wish you well! Any company stupid enough to advertise on your news shows deserves to be gone as well.

Now on the lighter side as Liz Cheney talks about Trumps election fraud lie and states that all of that has been debunked go to the links below it’s going to be interesting. This time the left won’t be able to fool us. There is a comment in the link that Trudeau makes that sums it up in part about divisive campaigning and the price you pay. There is another way to say it however. Fool me once Shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Trust is something that once violated is gone. It is the wound that never heals. The leftists, legacy media and RINOs are in trouble.

Election chaos in New Mexico. So the leftists are at it again. It will come down to people with what Boss Tweed called sand. As a side note those same letters were in the original word I used before I sanitized. See the thing is that there are three branches of government, legislative, executive and judicial. Not one of them has 100% power. Like I said this comes down to spine.

Why is New Mexico having a problem with Dominion voting machines?
If you go to dominions page they claim it’s all been debunked.

And to our North. Trudeau’s gov and power grab is circling the drain. The channel I link to here is a good one to watch if you want to pay closer attention to Canada.

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