Energy Healing Straight Blasting! Get blasted!

4 years ago

Energy healing with an intense level to it. This is gold energy which is the highest frequency that is still present within the body as opposed to white light which is more of an out of body experience. An out of body experience is great, but to be healed within the body in the present in this lifetime is usually more relevant to the journey we have chosen to take at this materialized frequency of this level of existence. This is an aura energy healing to heal the aura, but the aura energy can also be present or be "somewhere else" as in a different frequency that is disconnected from the part of you that is here. Being here now and participating consciously at this frequency that you have chosen to be at is funny because it is "less spiritual" in the sense that it is more materialized and less of the spirit realm, but it is literally your spiritual mission. Your spirit is experiencing being here now for a reason. Yes a vacation can be great and psychedelics and rituals to take you out of your body are great but must be balanced with being present and grounded here in the moment as well. That is the long explanation for why I heal with gold frequency which is the highest vibration that the body feels comfortable with because it is the moment and vibrating a frequency that resonates with the vibration of the body.
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