Cheerful Skyknight Escorts You Through The Market [ASMR RP][M4F][High Fantasy] - with@Birdie Senpai

2 years ago

"Lull Before the Storm - A Skyknight Cadet Escorts You Through The Market" [ASMR RP][M4F][High Fantasy][Trickster][Male ASMR][Action]
This is a story from a place unlike our own, one where soaring through the skies is not a fantasy, but a reality...Welcome to the Aetherium.

A bright sunny day, gusts of wind whipping through as you await for the arrival of your companion. From what you have heard, the person who will be serving as your bodyguard is a cadet for the Skyknights, the famous peacekeeping organization known all throughout the world.

Hopefully, everything goes according to plan...

Script written by AshenGray
Performed by AshenGray
Guest starring @Birdie Senpai as Merchant and Kidnapping Thug (thanks for lending your awesome voice!)
Character Outline is Jin (Evolve) from Grandchase: Dimensional Chaser

NOTE: Some loud sound effects are utilized in this scenario, so be advised.

Hope you all enjoy, and apologies for the long lack of uploads! Finally have gotten a slight grip on IRL affairs. Now I've gotta get a grip on the content creation process again 🤣

This is the pilot episode for a new storyline I'm trying out (somewhat inspired by Granblue Fantasy and many others set in a world in the skies) so if you are interested in seeing more of Corentin's story please be sure to Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe!... (yeah that was cringe my bad 😅, but it will help me get a gauge of what stories I should do more of and what to hold off on)

Other Stuff:
Email Inquiries:
Come hang out in the Gray Archive Discord:
Reuploads to Odysee:
Ko-Fi (only if you think it's a wise idea! XD):

Equipment notes:
Recorded on Studio Projects C1 (Set to 75 Hz high pass filter) + Elgato Wave XLR
Utilized a moving blanket and PVC "recording booth"
Audio arranged using Adobe Audition CC
SFX were from the following:
- FreeSound
- Youtube Studio
- Audio SFX creators "audio guild" ( from their "Ancient Magic Pack"
- Sound Effect Lab ("
Video created using iMovie
Picture was edited using Adobe Photoshop CC
Intro/Outro were created using Adobe After Effects CC

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