Are Vegetarians Nazis? | 6/16/22

2 years ago

Don Lemon asks Karine Jean-Pierre the questions the American people want answered. The energy secretary tries to redirect on inflation, saying that in Brazil, prices would be similar. John Kerry is still saying that we need to get rid of fossil fuels. Even in 2019, Joe Biden ran on a platform of stopping oil production in America. Eric Adams talks about crystals scattered around New York that provide "special energy." There is a new electric car with a built-in solar panel. The White House is adding another letter to the alphabet soup while addressing the LGBTQI+ community. Nazi Germany had a history of pushing vegetarianism. A librarian in Montana is in trouble for pushing the trans agenda on children. John Hinckley’s sold-out show has been canceled. Amber Heard keeps making things worse for herself. People on the street are challenged with the concept of "my body, my choice" when it comes to vaccines.

Disclaimer: The content of this clip does not provide medical advice. Please seek the advice of local health officials for any COVID-19 and/or COVID vaccine related questions & concerns.

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