Lessons Learned Running A Shop - The Ready Room Podcast Ep. 25

2 years ago

Today I wanted to go over some things that I wish were explained to me in detail before I opened my own gunsmithing shop. These are mostly lessons that I learned the hard way, and I'm telling you know so you don't have to. Running a shop where people bring you their own personal firearms can be stressful, and it's not the most profitable business on the market. So, making sure you're not wasting your money is very important. We don't want to take advantage of customers but we need to make sure we are actually making a profit, or you will not make it long.

I was once told that there is no such thing as a business being stagnant. You're either growing as a business or failing, stagnation is death. So, where can you make sure you're making your profit and growing? How do you improve your skills to accept a wider variety of jobs? Should you refuse certain jobs? We're going to go over these questions in this episode. Another thing that was left out of the episode was that you should know your limitations, do not take a job that you know you're not even close to ready for. Hopefully whoever reads this description hears that and understands that. There is nothing wrong turning down a job because you know you'll end up over your head, out of money, and possibly damaging a customers firearm.

I hope all of you enjoy the episode, and I want to say thank you to everyone who left a review, visited the social media, or sent an email with feedback. You are much appreciated!

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