The social engineering program

2 years ago

Sometimes it is easy to forget, what the program is actually in existence for, in this video I explain the true purposes behind this global social engineering and intelligence operation a.k.a. the program, which is primarily run by United States government and its intelligence agencies, in collaboration with the Danish and British, moreover how I Stephen Bell a Danish citizen, is being used as the so-called “protagonist” which this conglomerate of intelligence agencies and states, base all of the programs propaganda and PSYOP content upon allegedly, and in turn using these seemingly never-ending propaganda campaigns as the pretext and justification for subjecting me, to a continuous social and political persecution completely openly in the public, for everybody to see, this ever evolving situation, is in turn, is being used to drive the actual programs existence with, so when I speak about the program and how I am being mistreated, I am not only speaking about the social and political persecution of me personally, but furthermore how the situation is being used all over the world, as a means through which, these state powers and others are constantly gaining more power and influence over the public’s especially in the Western world, based on a program, that is completely and utterly stage, controlled and micromanaged by a conglomerate of intelligence agencies and states, with this exact goal in mind. Power and control is what they are after always, and therefore they never want this outrageous situation to end, which is proven time and again for the last 14 years where this purgatory for me personally, and absolute lunacy of a situation that has been going on for everybody, they do not only want this to continue, they want the madness or should I say their power and control over every person to increase many folds over for each year that goes passed, so people generally being more and more indoctrinated and propagandised and achieved sleuth people have now come to accept, whatever these intelligence agencies and states arbitrarily decide from day-to-day, and as long as people are willing to accept what is completely unacceptable then there is no hope for free humanity whatsoever.

Tilføjelse af d.d. Husk at nævne alle statens udnævnte navne når i ser mig i offentligheden, så PET kan høre/overvåge at i er supporter af deres diktaturer og micromanagement af hele befolkningen. #call_me_miss_bella_now LOL

#The_program_is_social_engineering #Propaganda_wars #PET_PSYOPS #The_setup_has_already_happened #synthetic_telepathy

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