Not Sorry Show 06162022

Streamed on:

If a spicy, funny, truth bomb Meme was a show, this would be it.
LIVE - 9pm Eastern

Main show source: now
and streaming on (always the top link on the page when live)


--- You can't expect a demented puppet to say one thing for 2 years and turn on a dime to say the opposite. Obama had it down, though.
--- Big Tech is the Brute Squad of the Cult of the Green New Deal.
--- Thousands of cattle die just as much of our food infrastructure is burning or being blown up. Does anyone really think it is chance by now? Expose these Globo-Homos or get used to eating bugs and soy protein!
--- Drag Queens are not supposed to be kiddie entertainment. Ever. Read it twice. Get the axe handles, I feel like partying like it's 1979.
--- This Dwarf guy, he sounds like he revokes his consent. Me too!

Phil Bromley hosts

5pyhun73r has a Digital Battlefront

Comments from LP, Shades, and Barbarian

Heaping helping of fresh Spaghetti on the Wall

Recorded in front of a live studio Ostrich
Free CHEEZITS and Iced Tea provided, BYOB!

Gab: @Ravicrux @Phillip_Bromley @GeorgeAngus @5PY_HUN73R @DemsFearTruth @tiwake

NotSorryShow Super-Secret group

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