Red America First 4-28-22 interview with Breland Ridenour and Lela L McNinch

1 year ago


"I have come from the bottom and worked my way up with honesty and integrity. I have learned through my life's journey that to enact true change one must be willing to face challenges with fortitude and determination. As Governor, I will approach challenges with the same perseverance to better Nebraskans as I have done to better my own life. This isn't just about politics, this is personal."

A Nebraska native since 1997, Breland, his parents, and two siblings have settled roots in this state they call "home". He grew up in northeast Nebraska 5-miles outside of a small town called Belden.

He was raised in a rural area on a small homestead where he was homeschooled and worked tending to animals and non-commercial farming.

Breland has been married to his wife, Jennifer, for 10 years. They have two children, Dannika and Jackson, and a German Shepherd named Meeka. They currently reside in Elkhorn.

Breland and his family are members of the Westside Community Church in Omaha.

Breland is employed as the IT Manager for Skarda Equipment Company, a Nebraska company in business for 50 years. Before this, he worked at Nebraska Medicine in IT, and was also a Department of Defense contractor with the U.S. Air Force.

Breland takes problem-solving to new a new level. With a 360-degree perspective, there is no problem too big to find a solution for. An effective governor must be able to work with people, and Breland knows people. His strong suit is being a leader, bringing the right minds together, and developing a fix to the festering issues of this state once and for all.

As governor, Breland will work closely with State Legislature and Nebraskan citizens to create effective solutions that do not impede on the people's life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness.

Breland holds dear the principles of freedom, smaller government, and a fair-shake to all. Breland is not a talker, but a doer. He stands firm on what is true and right. A man of his word, you can rest assured there will be no empty promises like what we have heard from too many politicians before him.

Breland's top five priorities are:
1. Restoring and protecting our Constitutional Rights
2. Ending Abortion
3. Restoring election integrity

4. Eliminating property taxes

5. Establishing rural broadband internet

Lela L McNinch

Thank you for investing your time to explore my campaign for Nebraska's Governor. Nebraska is an incredible place to live and raise a family. The genuine kindness, generosity, and unity of people who live here is unmatched across the nation. All Nebraskans deserve to have a strong confident leader. A leader who is not afraid to honestly address our current challenges, but also have the vision to foresee future challenges to maintain “The Good Life” for all Nebraskans.
We have deep traditions as Nebraskans. We have strong values, beliefs and commitment to faith, family, and our communities.

I value our freedoms and rights as Nebraskans and US Citizens and support all our rights, including our right to keep and bear arms. I will stand with law enforcement to protect us, but also hold law enforcement to the highest standards in consistency in policing. I will continue to support the protection of our US borders and embrace legal immigration to our Country and State.

I will work tirelessly to bring additional business and industry to the State, creating well-paying jobs for Nebraskans, attracting new residents to the State, and broadening our tax base, which will help all of us.
The education system needs changes, which allow parents to have a voice in what our children are taught by educators. Our children need to graduate with skills to help them be better prepared for the workforce if they choose not to pursue higher education.

Life can be difficult sometimes and we all struggle. One lesson I learned growing up is the value of working hard. If you want more, you work more and you do not quit until the job is complete. These are the values I see in Nebraskans, and it is a value that each one of us need to embrace. I will always give people a hand up, but government hand-outs only serve to steal the pride, dignity and personal honor of people.
If you slumber too long in the comfort of the American Dream, you will awaken to find all that you love gone.

Very Truly Yours,
Lela L McNinch

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