Censorship, Congressional Hearings, and Being Famous • Annie Frey Show 6/16/22

2 years ago

THURSDAY: Hans von Spakvosky, Tyrus, Maggie DeJong & Gregg Walters

At 1:25pm, we hear from Maggie DeJong, a former SIUE student with a story to tell, and she's doing it through the court system and her lawyer, Gregg Walters. Maggie's case says she was "censored...in violation of the U.S. Constitution" while she was a student at SIUE. And she believes it was because of her conservative, Christian beliefs.

At 12:25pm, we talk with Hans von Spakovsky about the January 6th hearings and if he believes they'll bear any effect. And at 1:05pm, Tyrus let's us know if he agrees with Jennifer Aniston--are there too many people getting famous for nothing?

YOUTUBE LIVE CHAT POLL: Is pursuing the Hunter Biden topic going to politically benefit or hurt the GOP?

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