Silver Is Low: To Cry Or To Buy

2 years ago

The Canadian Press and Cormac Mac Sweeney recent reported that the "Bank of Canada says household debt, home prices key risks for financial system". It demonstrates how misleading the BOC can be. On the one hand the emphasize that households increased their net worth through the pandemic. In other words, those that made money had nothing to spend it on. Then, the BOC goes on to say that an "increasing" amount of households have stretched themselves (i.e. tapped their home equity). Lockdowns? Top down government control. Real estate bubble? Top down government control through suppressed interest rates. Then, the best part is that they blame the Russian/Ukraine situation as "complicating" the transition to a low-carbon economy and that there are repricing risks due to climate change. Looks like the WEF has infiltrated the BOC.

Rafi Farber on another excellent weekly update where he discussed the inventories on the comex at 4 year lows.

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