蘇格蘭高原綿羊叫聲🐑 Scottish Highland Sheep, a Sheep Farm in Crianlarich

2 years ago

蘇格蘭高原綿羊叫聲🐑蘇格蘭高原綿羊長著厚厚的羊毛,能抵禦高原的極端天氣和昆蟲,例如蠓。牠們的叫聲也很可愛。Scottish Highland Sheep: Scottish Highland sheep are a hardy breed, with thick, shaggy coats that enable them to survive extremely harsh weather. They can tolerate cold and snow, and thrive in bleak, rugged environments where other breeds would perish. In summer, their long lashes and forelocks shield their eyes from flying insects.

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