My Cutie pie eating strawberry

1 year ago

Can cats eat strawberries?” is a common question for pet parents who notice their cat’s curiosity of the delectable fruit. Generally speaking, if a cat is interested in eating a strawberry, then the assumption stands that most certainly, they’re physically capable of eating one. However, should they?Cats can’t taste sweetness as a result of consequently not needing it. Being carnivores, cats require meat and protein. Strawberries are essentially a sugary fruit, and a cat’s tongue cannot detect its flavor.

On the whole, strawberries are esteemed for their antioxidants and their delicate tastiness. In the end, a cat’s palette doesn’t taste the sweetness and its body doesn’t absorb any purported nutritional benefits.

With that being said, can cats eat strawberries is not so much a question as it may be a concern. Especially when a cat experiences gastrointestinal discomfort or even, allergic reactions from the ingestion of strawberries. Given all of these points, it may be best to steer clear of strawberries and cats for the sheer chance a cat may potentially respond negatively.

If your cat likes strawberries, then she’s likely curious since cats never needed to develop a taste for fruit, or plants. Consider making homemade cat treats.

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