Political Prisoner Jan 6th message to ALL AMERICANS

2 years ago

Don’t let them steal our freedom. The freedom some of our families have fought and died for. Freedoms others have risked their lives fleeing communist and/or socialist countries to embrace. If you’re new to our country I have one question… Do you want the American dream of freedom or do you want the government you left behind that was oppressing you??? Don’t let the politicians take from all of us what every human on earth has a right to yet still escapes to America to achieve. The right to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The right to live free and to die free. You’re in America Now and we are NOT like any other place on the face of this earth!! We are not English, African, Mexican, Latino, Scottish, Irish, Polish, German, Russian, Afghany, Iraqi, Palestinian, Australian, Israeli, Canadian, Cuban or any other of these nations. We area people that left those lands for one reason or another but always we left to find freedom. We have found it in the Americas. WE ARE AMERICANS. We are not our ancestors to subjugate others we are like our ancestors that said “No we WILL NOT enslave others, we WILL NOT take their freedoms.” All men are created equal. So if you are here on American soil you are either a Freedom Loving American or someone who wants to destroy America. If you want to go back to that Government that oppressed you we will not stop you, but if you want to turn our Free Country into what all other countries are we will NOT STAND BY AND WATCH YOU DESTROY OUR GREAT NATION. WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND WOW TO THOSE WHO THINK TO TAKE THEM AWAY FROM US.

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