Integrity and Truth - An interview with Dr Braun

2 years ago

Dr Tau Braun is a clinical psychologist, originally from South Africa. He now resides in the US and is a U.S. National Counterterrorism and EMS advisor and trainer. During the COVID crisis, Dr Braun shifted his focus towards mitigation and prevention strategies against the virus. He is currently investigating the bio-synthetic aspects of SARSCoV2, the possibility that it is a military grade biological weapon, and mapping its pathophysiology.

In this episode we discuss the following:
- Why Dr Braun started looking into the SarsCov2 virus early in the pandemic.
- How Dr Braun’s clients were asking him “Is this biowarfare?”
- How Dr Braun found scientific papers describing neurotoxins in the spike protein that were closely matched to snake venom (called homologues) in the SarsCov2 virus. The crucial paper, which was not a mainstream paper, described a gut dysfunction, but contained a cartoon representation of the SarsCov2 spike protein showing the venom like sequences.
- The paper identified one neurotoxin as similar to Cobra toxin, and the other as similar to bungarotoxin (from the Kreit, a type of snake). Why are there snake venom homologues of 2 different snakes on the one spike protein? Why are the toxicologists and venom specialists silent?
- How in June 2021, Dr Braun wrote a letter to the FBI offering his assistance to deal with the threat of the spike protein (both in the vaccine and the virus) and describing the envenomation produced by the spike protein. The FBI replied only with a 3 word answer, “Received, Thank you”. No other communication occurred. Dr Braun has published the letter on his website (see below).
- How the spike protein resets the body and speeds up the death process.
- Why no human being should be given this vaccine.
- How these people are at war with mitochondria.
- Dr Braun tells us who built the weapon: Built by Moderna, funded by the US Department of Defence, co-owned by Health and Human Services.
- The 2016 Patent for the Sarscov2 virus and spike protein (or part thereof), funded by Moderna.
- How the burden of manufacturing the compound was put on the consumer, the human body manufactures the compound and then absorbs all the damage from making it.
- How mRNA technology started as a way for the body to manipulate stem cells, how the spike protein both in Covid and the vaccine “messed with stem cells”. Dr Braun discusses the ramifications of this.
- How a group of scientists exposed tadpoles to the spike protein, and it created all the symptoms of snake bite.
- How Dr Braun is investigating Omicron, but at this stage this is a completely different virus, and doesn’t think it has the snake venom homologues in it.
- How the ace receptor was a major distraction for the scientists. All the focus has been on the attachment to the human cell at the ace receptor. But what has been ignored, is the virus’ huge affinity to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs).
- How nicotine blocks the spike protein from attaching to the nAChRs, and how Ivermectin also blocks the spike protein from attaching to the nAChRs. This is very important for symptom resolution and understanding long hauler and vaccine injury. This may explain why Ivermectin works so well as a prophylactic, as the receptors are blocked first. There were early studies confirming that smokers were not getting sick from COVID-19.

Websites and Papers referenced in the interview:
- The “Gut dysfunction” paper referred to in the interview. See Section 4, Ruzafa L and colleagues. Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Involvement in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Interactions with Gut Microbiota

- Cartoon representation of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein from Section 4, Figure 2 of the “Gut Dysfunction” paper, depicting the 2 snake venom homologues.

- The Letter sent by Dr Braun to the FBI, dated June21, 2021.

- Dr Braun’s website:

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