Dr Cindy De Villiers of NZDSOS

2 years ago

In conversation with Dr Cindy De Villiers from NZDSOS.
We cover topics such as her experience of being under investigation from the medical council, without them needing to provide evidence or reasoning for why they were investigating her. Liz and Cindy also discuss the problems with the Ivermectin medical trial as a treatment for covid-19, as well as the problems with the WHO trying to pass their international pandemic response treaty. Finally, Cindy gives some tips for what we can do to benefit our health as Kiwis.

Cindy's website (Currently, as Cindy swore to the Hippocratic Oath, she is not practicing in NZ, due to medical apartheid being allowed here): https://healthfunction.co.nz/independent-functional-integrative-clinic/

Visit NZDSOs website here: https://nzdsos.com//

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