Next doors heater 1am wake up.

3 years ago

Just 6 foot away from our bedrooms wall, you can hear this as a humming sound and at 1am in the morning how can you sleep with this?

8 feet away is my daughter's window and on a Tuesday night at 1am she woke me up because this woke her up, and anyone who has kids who go to school you know how hard it is to get them out of bed in the morning after they had been woken up in the middle of the night for some reason.

Out of respect we emailed the real-estate agent of the house and asked them to get some sound proofing for it, their reply was quite rude they claim they had a plumber have a look at it and said that there was nothing wrong with it,

We asked if the plumber had been there at night? of course not. in the day time a car going past the house is louder than it, what can you do about car's? you can't, If anyone else who has the same problem you know all about it,

Yesterday we get a call from our real-estate agent asking me about it and we told her what was going on and she asked me what could be done to solve the issue and we told her that all they need to do is 1 of 2 things
1 for the tenants to turn it off after 10.30-11pm (I understand how cold this town gets we don't have a working heater in our house and hasn't been for around 7-8 months now) yes against the law what they are doing.
2 build a sound proofing Wall on the fence line so it doesn't keep us awake all night.

Not sure what time it was but last night we had the Ballarat police come knocking we were not home but our cctv has them leaving a business card in our door asking us to call them about the heater from next door,
who knows why if anything it's a civil matter but we know that they love to pick on us for no reason.

yes at 2am some nights when the heater has woken us up or has stopped us from getting to sleep we have gone out side and turned it off, but we had not turned it off until after all of the emails and even spoke with the tenants next door,

As it is we don't get a full night sleep as it is we have a back and neck injury and the pain we are in wake's me up every 2-3 hours, amount the amount of stress of the crap our daughter's mum has put me through, also the harrassing from the Victoria police department for no reason other than standing up for our rights,

What do I do? I'm open to ideas as we are at a lost all we want to do is live our life in peace, we do no harm to others, we cause no trouble for others, we know what our rights and responsibilities of been a human being is but why is it that no one else wants to do the same?

Funny thing is we asked a police officer about noise complaints about the heater and we were told that it was a civil matter so why would they be knocking on our door about it other than looking to cause us harm?

It's got us puzzled and at a lists end.

maybe someone out there may know what we can do about it.

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