Democrats Keep Taking South Texas For Granted

2 years ago

TMR Caller Jason explains how Republicans put more funding into local elections like the one in Edinburg, Texas. Jason also talks about how present Border patrol is and how well they get paid. The Majority Report crew discuss Blue Lives Matter being prevalent in a city that has deep law enforcement roots according to the caller. The MR crew also talk about the races from win and losses by Democrats to the incumbent mayoral office being lost because of an anti-abortion position.

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What their agenda is i have never really investigated it but when i read that article i was i was like dude like I have there but either way even if it's not you know even if it's empty that means the GOP is recognizing that as like a hot point on their heat map. And so like we don't see that type of investment from the Democratic party here I know yesterday the candidate who lost his name is Dan Sanchez by the way he was kind of shitty so i mean i don't like that Myra Flores won i would have preferred a Democrat to win but Dan Sanchez also he recently announced that he was like a pro-life conservative democrat and so you know we should also say that district is going away it's being redistricted, oh yeah and it's going to be a more sort of democratic friendly district when they're done is my understanding.

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