America in Name Only | 6/15/22

2 years ago

Joe Biden gave another speech and doubled down on blaming everybody but his administration for the skyrocketing inflation in our country. A gas station accidentally sold gas for 69 cents for a few hours before realizing the mistake. A pest control company is willing to pay $2,000 to infest your house with cockroaches and test a new pest control system. Mick Jagger has contracted COVID-19. A man falls from a balcony at a music concert but appears to be just fine. Savanah Hernandez visits a gay pride event to interview some of the participants. Nicaragua has authorized Russian vehicles to enter the country. More audio has been collected from Hunter Biden’s laptop. Even the crypto markets are taking a hit in Biden’s economy. Kavanaugh’s neighbors are speaking out about the protests in their neighborhood. Illinois is extending maternity leaves to include failed adoptions?

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