Highlights From The 2022 World Economic Forum Meeting In Davos

2 years ago

The Canadian Independent sifted through hours of footage to bring you a trimmed down highlighted version of some of the alarming things said at the World Economic Forum 2022 meeting in Davos.

Pfizer CEO talks about a digestible pill that health authorities will have the potential to track. Moderna CEO says he has had to throw 30 million doses of vaccines in the garbage because nobody wants them. The CEO of YouTube discusses large investments into disinformation and how YouTube plans to increase censorship. CEO of Nokia says that by 2030 technology will be built directly into our bodies. Chairman of the Board of Directors, for Credit Suisse AG, talks about how all citizens will have an account with the central bank. Klaus Schwab & Pfizer's CEO Bourla say they were both targets of the "anti-vaccine movement and conspiracy people."

Bill Gates explains how the vaccines haven't been good at infection blocking or providing long duration protection. The president of Chinese company Alibaba discusses an individual carbon footprint tracker. A CNN anchor, the chairman of Credit Suisse, and France’s top central banker talks central bank digital currencies within 5 years.

Finally Klaus Schwab's opening address at the World Economic Forum 2022 in Davos.

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