Gas Prices Spiral! Biden: "I Guarantee We're Going to End Fossil Fuels"

2 years ago

#fossilfuels #BidenGasPrices #Bideneconomy
It’s the end of the world as we know it. Since the begin of the modern era, starting with the industrial revolution, our world has been driven by fossil fuels. Maybe its not perfect, but let’s face it, it is reality. Biden may end fossil fuels, but in doing so he is in effect destroying the world as we know it, throwing us back to the dark ages. Without fossil fuels, virtually nothing can continue to function the way it does now. Even green energy is strangely driven in large part by fossil fuel assistance. The vast majority of planes, trains and automobiles in the world are still fueled by gas. Apparently, the completely rational idea of phasing in wind, solar and other green energies has been abandoned, and replaced by a knee-jerk reaction to “end fossil fuels”. Most people probably figured the Biden was pandering to the far left with his foolish rhetoric. They would be wrong. He was True to his promise to burn it all down, on day 1, Biden ended drilling on gov’t lands, stopped the Keystone pipeline and created the greatest crisis since the 1970’s. Way to go, Dr. Evil. We went from being an energy exporter to being dependent on others for the oil we must have to function as a society. Now Americans can’t afford gas and in some cases food, and the cost of everything has gone thru the roof. Moving consumer goods around is done using fossil fuels. Who knew? So the bottom line is, Now we are at the cusp of a great recession, or worse, and Biden is out there flapping. This would be a good time for Biden to turn to his energy czar, and biggest genius in the whole world ever, John Kerry (Kerry Video)

Hmmm..okay, so the fact that people are struggling to get by is a false narrative? Why is the true narrative, Mr. Czar? Even if Biden has woken up from his nap, he would never admit that he has really botched things up. So what can he do?

Video Saudi visit....No matter what Biden does, he appears to be a bumbling idiot. Begging the Saudis to forgive him for calling them a Pariah is his idea of a better solution than admitting he was wrong for destroying America’s energy programs. While both solutions leave him with egg on his face, the latter would at least be good for america. Biden needs to reverse his executive orders and save America from himself. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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