The verse that changes everything

4 years ago

This short study looks at who the king of Babylon is in Ezekiel 21. It is not who you think. Once you realize this it will change the way you view all the prophecies between Isaiah and Malachi. We also point out what the last 5 verses are talking about. Do you dare take the test that is offered to you at the start of the study? Ezekiel 21:27 is talking about Daniel 12:7. It is Gog of Magog being used as a sword to come against the land of Israel to break her power just before Jesus Returns at the 7th Bowl. Father will accomplish Zech 13:7-9 & Dan 12:7 by means of Isa 7:7-9, Isa 8:7-9 and Ezek 21:27.
Here is the link to my short study called "The verse that changes everything":
Here is the link to my 70th Week folder at which contains my 300+ short studies on the coming of the 70th Week of Daniel:

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