The Mythology of Global Warming: Climate Change Fiction VS. Scientific Facts

2 years ago

The Mythology of Global Warming is intended to provide the general public with a broad spectrum of scientific and factual information on the subject of Climate Change. This book debunks the incessant, emotional, and largely unsubstantiated claims made by the progressive media and climate scientists that industrial societies such as the United States are destroying our planet due to the use of fossil fuels. What causes global warming? What is a greenhouse gas? What impact do carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels actually have on the Earth’s climate relative to naturally occurring phenomena? Is all ice on Earth really melting, and are sea levels rising at a catastrophic rate? Are all forms of extreme weather, including hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and droughts increasing dramatically? Are polar bears and other life forms being pushed to the brink of extinction? Will all of this mayhem cease if fossil fuels are replaced by ‘green’ renewable energy sources? Answers to these questions clearly show that hard facts do not support any of the above dire predictions.

The science of global warming is indeed ‘settled’; Global Warming is a myth.

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