Lecture 3 of 11 on The Hopes of the Church of God, by J. N. Darby

2 years ago

These Lecture were given by John Nelson Darby.
"The Hopes of the Church of God in connection with the destiny of the Jews and the nations as revealed in prophecy." Eleven lectures delivered in Geneva, 1840.
In going through the more general features of prophecy, we shall examine these three great subjects: the church; the nations; and the Jews.

In pursuing this study, we shall find, according to the measure of light which is given to us, a very beautiful result, namely, a full development of the perfections of God under two names or characters, according to which He has revealed Himself in relationship to man. To the Jews, it is as Jehovah that He makes Himself known (Ex. 6:3); to the church, it is as Father. In a word, as that which is predicted by the mouth of the prophets as to the Jews gives us the character of Jehovah - His faithfulness and all His attributes; so that which is prophesied concerning the church opens out to us the name of Father. The church is in relationship with the Father, and the Jews with Jehovah, which is the characteristic name of their relationship with God. Jesus, in consequence, is presented to the Jews as the Messiah, the centre of the promises and of the blessings of Jehovah to that nation; to the church He appears as the Son of God, gathering to Himself His "many brethren," sharing with us His title and privileges, those, namely, of "children of God," members of His "family," "joint-heirs with Christ, the firstborn among many brethren," who is the expression of all the glory of His Father.

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