The Earth before the Garden. The origins of demons #preadamic #beforethefall #dlvrnce

4 years ago

I’ve been asked to make a video about the topic. I think to adequately discover all of the data concerning the topic there has to be an exhaustive session. This video will probably be longer than normal. There is not much in the Holy Scriptures about the origin of demons as far as their origin but much about their hierarchy and they’re menacing behavior there is absolutely nothing in the New Testament about that, but we are told about their existence and observed through the narratives in the Gospel of Jesus’s sovereign power over them. It is my opinion that the Marine Kingdom and its existence is exhibited in the Gospels narratives most popular of these narratives, the man or men called Legion of the Gaderenes and others.
PLease find the entire article at the link below, It includes all the scriptires,

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