The Queen: Scry Now; Cry Later!

3 years ago

The cell you hold is in fact a scrying device. To "scry" is to look upon, learn from, heal from a reflective surface whether historically/herstorically, a "body" of water, black obsidian, or a clear crystal ball. Your cell phone is also a scrying modern device!

Many young adults, are constantly looking into the phone, checking their appearance "the Judge," "critic," and their world is about much as The Queen in Snow White, asking a "Siri" or "Alexis," much like The Queen! Do you see?

In scry now, cry later, I relate about how this "cell" is not what you think it is; our people are distracted by a true form of what our people called negative energy, but was often called "witchcraft." I also dispel that there are plenty of people out there who have books like one I love by Ellen Dugan: Garden Witch's Herbal which is an amazing book, she seems like an awesome woman, so I don't categorically dismiss people in any way. I myself identified as a "witch" during a time of my life previous to coming into "Shaman."

I hope you will enjoy, share and subscribe, I need your love and support!

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