Plugging MV #48 3D Sound Positioning in RPG Maker MV

3 years ago

Discord Invite:
WARNING: Do NOT use this (MBS_SoundEmittance.js) plugin! It causes save/load issues. Instead, use QAudio.js
QAudio.js does exactly the same thing, without any bugs. (Check inside the plugin for instructions on how to use it.)
Note: You also need QPlus.js to make QAudio work:

'Plugging MV' is a series where I showcase interesting (community-made) plugins for RPG Maker MV, as I discover them myself, while going through a list of 4000+ plugins.
#RPGMaker #Plugin #Cutscene

--- Plugging MV #48

MBS_SoundEmittance.js by Masked

This plugin allows us to add audio to events. Audio that grows quieter or louder, depending on how far or close the player is to its source.
This plugin also handles left & right panning of sound, from whichever direction the audio is coming from. Giving a proper 3D sound positioning system.

Plugin Tested on MV Version: 1.5.1 & 1.6.0+ (Ah... I was wrong. It does not work on 1.5.1! Do test it yourself to make sure.)
Does this work in MZ? Uhh... sort of. It works only if you change the HRTF settings in the plugin parameter to 'false'. (While it is 'true' by default.) Changing it to false makes the sound fading in/out more rough, instead of fluid.

------ HOW TO:

Read the description and help section inside the plugin. The developer explains it best.

WARNING: This plugin can be buggy. If you get the following error after loading a save file:
"this._sEmittance.stop is not a function"
Then open the file in a text editor, and replace "this._sEmittance.stop();" with "this._sEmittance.playing = false;"
To make sure you are replacing the correct code, make sure this comment is above it: "// Setups the sound emittance for the event"

------ BGM Used: ' Easier To Fade' by A Himitsu

------ Spreadsheet Link: (with the list of all showcased plugins and their download links)

------ Watch the YouTube Playlist for the Whole Plugging MV Series:

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------ Check out my website and follow my game's devlog there:

------ And Play Through The Games I've Made:

Thank you for watching the video, and for reading the description.
Be sure to comment your thoughts and ideas, and subscribe to this channel. (b ̄▽ ̄)b

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